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Viewpoint Winter 2024
Viewpoint November 23
Barnet Vision Strategy 2013 - 16

Touch Area 1

Near the entrance on the left

Tactile plants, with soft leaves and interesting textures

This section contains plants that feel hairy or furry to the touch These include Hebe, Ladies Mantle, Mexican Fleabane, Lambs Ear and Rose Campion.

Grasses include Chinese fountain grass, which has arching, narrow, green leaves that turn rich shades of orange and yellow in autumn and Mexican Feathergrass forming a compact upright tuft of thread-like leaves, with narrow, arching, feathery flowering panicles in summer.

Other plants which are interesting to touch are Michelmas Daisies which have lance shaped and slightly serrated leaves and Blue Vervain with smooth and glossy leaves. Alliums have large ball like flower heads and attract bees and other pollinators. Bees are also attracted to the lavender and spring bulbs also planted here. The bed also contains an elderberry with black lacy leaves and tiny white flowers.

Touch plants